Sarah Aziz, a newcomer to Montreal from Toronto and a devoted young mother to her 4-year-old son embarked on a challenging journey to secure employment. Despite facing hurdles such as lacking qualifications and navigating a new city, Sarah’s determination remained unwavering. Her aspirations to work in the healthcare field fueled her job search, alongside her goal of finding stability while balancing her personal and professional life. Seeking opportunities to improve her skills and expand her knowledge, Sarah actively sought learning opportunities to enhance her employability and pave the way for her career growth. With these objectives in mind, Sarah began actively seeking employment in July 2023, marking the start of her transformative journey.

YES:  When did you start your job search journey, and what were some of your goals when you started?

Sarah: I began actively searching for a job in July 2023. At that time, I set several important goals for myself. First and foremost, I aimed to secure a position in a supportive and nurturing environment, particularly within the healthcare field. Despite lacking formal qualifications, I’ve always been drawn to healthcare and saw it as an ideal setting for my career aspirations. Additionally, I sought stability in my employment, aiming for a long-term position that would allow me to continuously improve my skills while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

YES: What stage are you at now? What have been your greatest achievements?

Sarah: Currently, I am employed as a receptionist at Optimal Stretch Clinic, and I couldn’t be happier with my role. The environment at the clinic, from my interactions with clients to my relationships with coworkers, has been incredibly welcoming and positive. Since starting here, I’ve experienced significant personal and professional growth. Among my greatest achievements have been the development of my interpersonal skills and communication abilities. Furthermore, I’ve deepened my understanding of the various treatments offered at the clinic, enabling me to better assist our clients and contribute to the team’s success.

3. What were/are your biggest struggles?

Initially, my biggest struggle revolved around overcoming my shyness and building confidence in myself, especially when interacting with coworkers and assisting clients. Additionally, as a newcomer to Montreal, I faced challenges with the French language. However, with each passing day, I’ve been able to conquer these hurdles. While I continue to work on improving my French language skills, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made and the confidence I’ve gained in myself.

YES: What was the problem you were experiencing before you came into YES?

Sarah: Before joining YES/YOTR, I grappled with a lack of confidence in my ability to secure stable employment, particularly due to my limited knowledge of French. This challenge left me feeling discouraged and unsure about my prospects for finding meaningful work. I was on the verge of giving up hope when I was fortunate enough to connect with Erjona, who introduced me to the YOTR program. Little did I know, this opportunity would be a turning point in my life, opening doors to possibilities I had previously thought were out of reach.

YES: What did you find as a result of using YES/YOTR services? What was the best thing about it?

Sarah: Utilizing YES/YOTR services was a game-changer for me. From honing my CV and interview skills to facilitating direct connections with potential employers, the program provided invaluable support throughout my job search journey. The trainers’ unwavering dedication and motivation created a supportive environment where I felt empowered to pursue my goals with confidence.

The program’s comprehensive approach not only equipped me with practical tools for success but also instilled in me a newfound sense of resilience and determination. The personalized guidance and encouragement I received helped me navigate challenges and ultimately secure employment. Overall, YOTR’s commitment to my success made it an invaluable resource in my journey towards professional growth and development.

YES: How do you feel about the service you have received from YES/YOTR?

Sarah: I am incredibly grateful for the exceptional services provided by YES/YOTR. Their comprehensive approach, encompassing everything from language sessions to resilience workshops, truly made a difference in my life. The program not only expanded my knowledge but also shifted my mindset, instilling within me a newfound confidence and determination. The support and resources offered by YOTR have been invaluable on my journey to personal and professional success.

YES: Do you have any other thoughts you would like to share?

Sarah: I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at YES and YOTR, especially Erjona, Molly, and the entire staff, for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout my journey. Participating in the program was a truly enriching experience, and I feel blessed to have crossed paths with such dedicated individuals. Additionally, I am grateful for the friendships and connections I’ve made with my fellow cohort members. Together, we’ve shared each other’s triumphs and supported one another through challenges, creating a sense of community that I will always cherish.

For more information about Youth on the Rise, click here.

For more information about our Employment Program, click here.