Entrepreneurship Resources

When you’re exploring the process of starting or growing a business, it can be hard to know where to turn.

Welcome to our Entrepreneurship Resources page, your go-to destination for a wide range of tools and insights designed to support and enhance your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Iris Unger Recognition Award – Apply Today!!

Iris Unger Recognition Award – Apply Today!!

For more than 18 years, as our longest-standing Executive Director, Iris Unger stewarded the growth and expansion of our organization. The Iris Unger Recognition Award aims to honor exceptional artists and entrepreneurs whose project embodies these values. If you are a YES Client and have created an artistic project or business that has positively impacted your community, we encourage you to apply.

Kickstart Your Entrepreneurial Journey! Sign Up For Our Business Bootcamps

Kickstart Your Entrepreneurial Journey! Sign Up For Our Business Bootcamps

This dynamic, free* 4-part series will supercharge your entrepreneurial dreams! Led by experienced business coaches, you’ll receive guidance in refining your business concept and validating your business idea. At the core of our program is the Business Model Canvas: a visual tool that will help build the foundation of your business. You’ll learn how to outline key opportunities, identify activities and strategies, and understand initial financial projections for your business.  

Meet Daniel O’Connor and Bradley Heaven: the Winners of This Year’s Iris Unger Recognition Award!

Meet Daniel O’Connor and Bradley Heaven: the Winners of This Year’s Iris Unger Recognition Award!

Brad and Dan first came to YES Employment + Entrepreneurship early in their entrepreneurial journey, when they had built a website but needed help figuring out the next steps in building their business. “YES gave us confidence. They gave us the vision to see that it was possible to turn this into a business,” details Daniel.  Read more to find out more about Brad and Dan’s inspiring journey with YES and how they came to be the recipient of the Iris Unger Recognition Award.

Idea to Action in 7 Steps

Idea to Action in 7 Steps

In a workplace landscape where working ‘smarter’ rather than ‘harder’ actually takes a lot of effort, the importance of making wise choices cannot be understated. Whether you’re starting a company from scratch or trying to generate new growth, there are countless decisions to be made on your path to success. Many obstacles to action are emotional. From a lack of inspiration to low self-confidence or being overwhelmed at the volume of work, paralysis is understandable. Read more to find out 7 actionable steps that can help break the paralysis.

English Mental Health Services & Resources

No matter where you are on your employment or entrepreneurial journey, taking care of your mental health is important. To help you find the support you need, we have compiled a comprehensive list of English-language mental health resources across the province. Whether you need help with stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, there are resources available to support you. Don’t hesitate to prioritize your mental well-being and explore these resources today.

Demystifying Business Regulations in Quebec: Your Guide to Starting a Successful Business

Demystifying Business Regulations in Quebec: Your Guide to Starting a Successful Business

Starting a business can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be a daunting task. As a new business owner, you might have a lot of questions and concerns about what steps to take and what permits and licenses you need to acquire. If you’re planning to start a business in Quebec, it’s important to be familiar with the various rules and regulations that apply. In this article, we’ll give you a general overview of what you need to know to get started.

To Start a Business, Start with a Problem 

To Start a Business, Start with a Problem 

Starting a business can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t always require a ‘eureka’ moment. Successful entrepreneurs are problem solvers who identify a need in the market and create solutions to meet that need. By starting with a problem, you can build a business that addresses a real need and provides value to customers. Don’t let the myth of the ‘eureka’ moment hold you back from launching a successful business.