Join Us In Recognizing Mental Health Awareness Week!

Join Us In Recognizing Mental Health Awareness Week! As a non-profit service organization that supports job seekers, entrepreneurs, and artists, we know how important it is to prioritize our mental health. It’s a critical...
April Newsletter

April Newsletter

Welcome to the April Edition of our newsletter! Get ready to spring into action with a lineup of exciting opportunities to help you achieve your career and entrepreneurial pursuits. From our Youth on the Rise PAID Work Experience Program for job seekers to initiatives...
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

Welcome to the March Edition of our newsletter! We’re excited to bring you a packed schedule of new workshops, events, and opportunities to help you reach your goals. Whether you’re a job seeker, an artist, an entrepreneur, or looking to improve your...
February Newsletter

February Newsletter

Welcome to the February 2023 edition of our newsletter! We’re excited to bring you a packed schedule of new workshops, events, and opportunities to help you reach your goals. Whether you’re a job seeker, an artist, an entrepreneur, or looking to improve...