
French for the Workforce

Online / Remote

From standing out in your job interviews, to participating in workplace chit-chat, French for the Workforce goes beyond the basics and improves your professional French.

Answering Artist Calls: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Online / Remote

Learn essential tips and tricks for answering calls for submissions and submitting your applications. This workshop will also include special tips and insights on how you can apply to the 2024 edition of our What the Pop! Art Pop-up Exhibition Series.


NEW! 9 Action Steps to Building a Successful Business (Hybrid Workshop)

YES Employment + Entrepreneurship 666 Sherbrooke Street West 7th Floor, Montreal

Join us for an interactive workshop that will help you answer all the tough questions about how you can jump-start your business the right way. Save both time and your precious budget by strategically planning and building your blueprint for success.