Featured Featured Recurring

Job Interviews: Prep and Practice

Online / Remote

Learn what steps you can take to prepare for an in-person, Zoom and phone interview so that you can make a positive impression on the interviewer. Find out which behavioral interview questions employers are most likely to ask, and how to answer them using the 'STAR' method.


ELLEvate Women Entrepreneurs Pre-Accelerator Information Sessions

Online / Remote

Are you a woman entrepreneur in Quebec looking to take your business to the next level? Our ELLEvate Women Entrepreneurs Pre-Accelerator program is now accepting applications for its 3-month virtual program. Join us for our upcoming information sessions hosted by our program manager and business coaches to learn more about the program, eligibility criteria, and have your questions answered. With exclusive programming, mentorship, visibility, and awards of up to $20,000, this program is designed to provide high-potential women-led startups with the tools and resources to grow their business. Don't miss out on this opportunity, register for one of our information sessions today.


Jump Start Your Art + Financing Options

Online / Remote

This workshop is the starting point for artists who are doing what they love but not quite making a living yet. Topics include: getting to know your industry, marketing/promotion, developing relationships with stakeholders, understanding the funding landscape and essential grant-writing tips.