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NEW! Business Skills for Creative Souls Artists Conference: Coming Together Through Community

Centre St Jax 1439 Saint-Catherine St West, Montreal

Calling all creative souls, it's time to come together and bring our art back to the forefront! This year's Business Skills for Creative Souls Artists Conference, Coming Together Through Community, focuses on connection and community as a path to a thriving art practice. Let's work together to create strong and resilient communities that will see us through anything.  

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Job Interviews: Prep and Practice

Online / Remote

Learn what steps you can take to prepare for an in-person, Zoom and phone interview so that you can make a positive impression on the interviewer. Find out which behavioral interview questions employers are most likely to ask, and how to answer them using the 'STAR' method.


Legal Information Clinic for Entrepreneurs

YES Employment + Entrepreneurship 666 Sherbrooke Street West 7th Floor, Montreal

Our Legal Information Officer is available to provide information and answer questions related to business issues such as business structures, contract law, taxation, and intellectual property.  

Call now!